This dashboard was created by @karlxlee.

Data sources

Data was sourced from Flipside Crypto and Dune.

Vote transactions, top addresses and gauges analysis

Vote transactions were analyzed by looking at ethereum events that were labelled with 'VoteForGauge' and involving the Curve gauge controller contract. Gauges were manually tagged using the gauge addresses list in Curve's documentation.

Voting power analysis

Data was sourced from Dune. To calculate veCRV:CRV ratios, two queries were used: one from @karenos / total crv minted, and @jshogren - "CRV veCRV Tracker". These were forked, modified, and combined to create a ratio metric. The ratio for Convex locked CVX:CRV was written using standard Dune documentation queries and the same query from @karenos / total crv minted

Bribes analysis

Bribes were analyzed by looking at ethereum events involving the bribe v2 contract (0x7893bbb46613d7a4fbcc31dab4c9b823ffee1026) from Average token prices on the day of the bribe transaction are used to calcualte the USD value of bribes.


Rechart and Chart.js were used to produce visualizations.